Setup API Keys

Setup API Keys#

All confidential API keys should be stored in api_key.json <agent_studio/config/api_key_template.json>, e.g., OpenAI API key, Gemini API key, Google credentials, etc. First, you need to rename the api_key_template.json to api_key.json:

mv agent_studio/config/api_key_template.json agent_studio/config/api_key.json

You need to obtain the API keys and add them to api_key.json <agent_studio/config/api_key_template.json>.

Google Workspace#

Enable Google APIs, configure OAuth, download the credentials <>, the credentials should be saved as credentials.json in the agent_studio/config <agent_studio/config> directory. Google services need the user to log in manually. Run python scripts/ to finish setup.

This library may modify your Google Calendar. For safety, it is recommended to create a new calendar, obtain the calendar ID <>, and add it to the google_calendar_id field in api_key.json <agent_studio/config/api_key_template.json>.


The Telegram evaluator is based on Pyrogram <>. To enable it, obtain the Telegram API key <>, and add api_id and api_hash to the telegram_api_id and telegram_api_hash fields in api_key.json <agent_studio/config/api_key_template.json>, respectively.