Evaluate Agents#

You may modify config.py to configure the environment.

  • headless: Set to False for GUI mode or True for CLI mode.

  • remote: Set to True for running experiments in the docker or remote machines. Otherwise, experiments will run locally.

  • task_config_paths: The path to the task configuration file.

Local + Headless#

Set headless = True and remote = False. This setup is the simplest, and it is suitable for evaluating agents that do not require GUI (e.g., Google APIs).

Start benchmarking:

python run.py --mode eval

Remote + GUI#

Set headless = False and remote = True. This setup is suitable for evaluating agents in visual tasks. The remote machines can either be a docker container or a remote machine, connected via VNC remote desktop.

Run Docker (optional)#

docker run -d -e RESOLUTION=1024x768 -p 5900:5900 -p 8000:8000 -e VNC_PASSWORD=123456 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v ${PWD}/agent_studio/config/:/root/agent_studio/agent_studio/config/:ro agent_studio:latest

Start benchmarking:

python run.py --mode eval