Create Your Own Agent

Create Your Own Agent#

Not satisfied with the existing agents? Create your own agent! This section will guide you through the process of creating a new agent.

Agents are stored in the agent_studio/agent directory. Each agent is a Python class that inherits from the BaseAgent class. The agent class must implement the following methods:

  1. name: str:

    A unique name for the agent. The name should match the ``agent`` field in ``agent_studio/config/``.

  2. trajectory2intermediate_msg(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:

    Convert the trajectory to a list of intermediate messages. You can access all internal states of the agent, e.g. self.trajectories, self.system_prompt, and self.instruction. Construct the intermediate messages based on these states. The intermediate messages is a list of messages.Each message is a dictionary with the following fields:

    role: str:

    The role of the message. It can be system, user, or assistant.

    content: str | np.array:

    The content can be a string or a numpy array.

  3. eval(self, final_obs: np.ndarray | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:

    Agent self-evaluation. The input is the final observation of the task (a screenshot if the current task is a visual task). You can use this information and past trajectories to construct the self-evaluation prompt. The method should return a dictionary with the following fields:

    score: float:

    The score of the agent trajectories.

    feedback: str:

    The feedback from the agent.

    prompt: str:

    The self-evaluation prompt. Must be in the format of the intermediate message format.

    response: str:

    The original response from the agent.

You may also want to implement the following methods:

  1. reset(self, instruction: str) -> None::

    Reset the agent for a new task. This will read the task instructions and reset the agent’s internal state. You can also read the system prompt here.