Connect to Your Own Model#

Run the Model Locally or via API#

Our platform allows you to connect to your own model. Models are stored in the agent_studio/llm directory. Each model is a Python class that inherits from the BaseModel class. You can integrate your model by creating a new model class that inherits from the agent_studio.llm.base_model.BaseModel. The model class must implement the following methods:

  1. name: str:

    A unique name for the model. The name should match the ``provider`` field in ``agent_studio/config/``.

  2. compose_messages(self, intermedia_msg: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> Any::

    Convert the intermediate messages to the format that the model can accept. The returned value is only used for generate_response function.

  3. generate_response(self, messages: list[dict[str, Any]], **kwargs) -> tuple[str, dict[str, int]]:

    Generate the model’s response to the given intermediate message. kwargs parameter is not used currently, but can be used in the future. The method should return two values:

    message: str:

    The raw response message.

    info: dict[str, int]:

    Additional information about the response. If you want to count token costs, you can store total_tokens in the info dictionary.

Run the Model on Remote Machine#

Maybe your model is too large to run on your local machine or there’s no existing API to connect to it. In this case, you can run the model on a remote machine and connect to it via our model server. To do this, you need to use the agent_studio.llm.remote_model.RemoteProvider class and scripts/model_server script.

  1. Modify the model server script so that it can return the raw message and info.

  2. Run the model server on the remote machine with the following command:

    `bash python scripts/ `

  3. The RemoteProvider sends the messages to the remote machine, runs the model, and returns the response. Modify the model_server parameter in agent_studio/config/ by setting the IP address and port of the remote machine.